I was just surfing the net when i saw that cg tantra was organizing a challenge to give tribute to ILM ( industrial lights and magic ) , for the wonderful work which they have done in past, it was my first ever competition on any forum or site i want able to win the competition but still the memories , and the experience which i got from there is beyond explanation
Some of the wok in progress images
Maya view port .. it was a quite hi rez. mesh , as i have decimated and exported many of the sub tools, like a flesh piece which was hanging on his coat and ,
I majorly used z sphere for the creation of sea mesh as it is extremely very fast and non destructive way of visualizing how the mesh would look in the end and we can adjust the topology also :)
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Snail created using z brush
Plant mesh created using radial radial transformation option
Rotten flesh mesh decimated (Maya view port )
Stone mesh created using z sphere then using noise deformation to put the details on
render passes